Standards: A2.1 Demonstrate skill in the manipulations of digital imagery.
Spitball- Paranormal Photography
Zombie Brad
Today we'll be turning a photo of Brad into a zombie.
Make sure your layer panel and history panel are open.
Choose the brush tool.
Adjust the size of the brush and choose a color.
Add a new layer and label it skin.
Brush all over his face.
Go to your layer panel and lower the opacity of that layer and choose a blend mode.
Add a new layer and label it eyes.
Repeat the same steps above for the eye layer. Use the brush tool, adjust the size and color. Add a blend mode.
Add a new layer and label it lips.
Repeat the same steps above for the eye layer. Use the brush tool, adjust the size and color. Add a blend mode.
File Place Embed the scars
Choose the eraser tool and erase whatever scars you'd like to get rid of.
To the remaining scar, add a blend mode.
File Place Embed the textured layer. Add a blend mode and lower the opacity.
Final step!
FLATTEN<File<Save A Copy<JPG
3. Zombify Your Friend
Take a photo of a friend and have them take a photo of you.
Repeat the steps above. Submit to Schoology!