1. Women in History
Choose a famous woman in history.
Do a Google Search for "Women in history jpg"
Download an image of the woman
Take an image of yourself or a class member.
Use the cut out mask tool to swap faces.
(see example)
Include a short description of the woman you chose next to your image.
2. Period 6- COLLAGE
Go to Create New
Choose Photo
8x10 and Create
Choose a background or gradient color
A MINIMUM of 20 Layers. Add elements from pngtree.com, vecteezy.com, pngaaa.com, and wherever you can safely download images from the internet.
Cover the entire canvas with images of ALL of the following: image of your favorite movie(s), a song lyric, image of your favorite animation(s), image of your favorite food(s), a place you'd like to visit, a celebrity you enjoy, logo of your favorite band/brand of clothing/sports team(s), and a picture of something that represents a goal for your future.
You can include other images, but you should leave NO negative space. Use the cut out tool or remove.bg to separate images from their background.
Blend and layer your images. Adjust your opacity, add filters, use the draw pen, liquify, and the disperse tool (which we haven't used, but give it a try). You can apply an outline sketch to your collage (like the Kobe tutorial), or a ripped page effect (like the spirit animal tutorial), or a polaroid effect (like the polaroid effect),...or any other skill you've learned in Pixlr this year.
3. Self Portrait Project Overview