1.Field Trip Photos
Upload your photos to your Macbook. Submit the best shots to the "Island Packers Field Trip" media album.
2. Crooked Logo
Open up your Crooked Taco Brief and begin working on your logo. Remember! You're submitting TWO! One for crooked taco and one for Crooked coffee. Your rough drafts will be due tomorrow.
A few resources:
Take a photo of a drawn logo and upload it to Adobe Illustrator (I'll show you how to add it to your Macbook if you choose this route.)
Use elements from vecteezy, pngaaa.com, and even Canva.
Use the shape tool, as well as fonts from dafont.com
Start with a transparent background! The size of the canvas is not very important.
What you turn in tomorrow is ONLY a rough draft, so SAVE AS A PSD file!! You