Learning Objective: A1.4 Select industry-specific works and analyze the intent of the work and the appropriate use of media.
A3.6 Investigate and discuss universal concepts expressed in visual media products from diverse cultures.
A4.2 Deconstruct how beliefs, cultural traditions, and current social, economic, and political contexts influence commercial media (traditional and electronic).
A4.4 Analyze the relationship between the artist, artistic product and audience in both an existing and self-generated project.
A4.5 Analyze and articulate how society influences the interpretation and effectiveness of an artistic product.
Watch The Video On The Creator of Humans of New York
Click HERE to explore the Humans of New York page.
People Of Shawnee
Read the text in the image below. Then click on at least three (3) photos of Shawnee High School students (below) and read their stories.
I believe the world is not falling apart, but it is molting and coming into a new era. It is an era of free spirits and acceptance of "the dark." We are breaking apart laws that denied legally recognized partnerships. I believe chivalry is not dead, chivalry like stopping and holding the door for people. I believe that when we fear each other, that fear plays its part and stops us from being chivalrous towards each other. We fear that the person we could act chivalrous toward might be as unstable as Ted Kaczynski, and so we don't. While we fear the "unstable," it may have been ourselves who cracked that person's foundation. It is respect of others being human that allows us to forgive, and when that's gone, we will no longer be able to repair rifts created by the careless. So with that being said, I'd just like to enjoy the simple things in life, like basketball. -Charles 3 years . . . 3 years and counting I was 13 when my parents divorced. I was in 8th grade. I am now 16 and a junior in high school. My dad has nothing to do with me . . . His drugs are more important. He has been unable to see the young lady I have become and will not see the woman I will soon be. He has missed out on me graduating middle school and starting high school and will miss out on my going to prom, graduating high school, starting college, and most importantly, starting my life on my own. He don't need me as his daughter? Well guess what? I don't need him as my "dad." I WILL make it without him. -Samantha F.HUMANS OF OLDHAM COUNTY 4, Humans of Northridge
Just like Humans of New York and Humans of Shawnee, our Humans of Oldham County project will consist of a portrait accompanied by a written reflection. We will practice this by interviewing each other first. Once we complete the assignment with each other, we will spend the class at CSUN and you will complete the same assignment with a student there.
We will brain storm questions together.....
Interview a classmate.
Ask a relevant, open-ended question.
Record the interview with a voice recorder app like NOTES that will automatically transcribe for you.
Take portraits (multiple) during the interview while your subejct talks. You can also take photographs after. Your subject's face does NOT have to be in the picture.
Return to class and record your subjects interview in a Goolge Doc.
Edit their photo.
Submit their photo AND the Google Doc with their interview.
Questions you may want to ask:
Here are 10 questions inspired by Humans of New York interview-style storytelling. These questions aim to evoke personal, reflective, and meaningful responses:
Who is someone you don't talk to anymore and why?
Tell me about someone you wanted to be like as a kid.
What's something you want in 2025 that you didn't get or accomplish last year?
What is one moment in your life that changed everything for you?
If you could give advice to your younger self, what would it be?
What’s the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make, and how did it shape you?
What’s a memory that always makes you smile, no matter what?
What’s a fear you’ve overcome, and how did you do it?
Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
What’s one thing people misunderstand about you?
If you could relive one day in your life, what day would it be, and why?
What’s a challenge you’re facing right now, and how are you working through it?
What does happiness look like to you?
What’s a moment when you felt truly proud of yourself?
What’s a tradition or ritual that holds special meaning for you?
What’s a story about your childhood that still makes you reflect on who you’ve become today?
What’s something you’ve struggled to forgive—either in yourself or someone else?
What’s a time when you felt completely out of your comfort zone, and how did you handle it?
What’s a dream you’ve held onto for a long time, and how has it evolved over the years?
What’s a moment when you felt truly proud of yourself?
What’s the kindest thing someone has ever done for you?
What’s a lesson you had to learn the hard way?
These open-ended questions encourage introspection and allow people to share meaningful, authentic stories about their experiences.