1. Water Balloons
Groups of three or four. One holds the balloon. One pops the ballooon. One takes a photograph of the action. One can pose under if they have a change of clothes. Then swap jobs so everyone has a chance to shoot!
Set your camera to CONTINUOUS MODE
Shutter speed 1/2000 or higher.
ZOOM in!!!
3,2,1 countdown system. Start shooting on 2 and pop on one.
Use a solid background. (Black works best, so share.)
You can shoot up to approx. 3 shots per second with continuous mode.
Press the Playback button, then the continuous shooting button.

2. Editing Your Images
Using Pixlr, open up your images and adjust the brightness, contrast, and sharpness. Submit your best images to Schoology under "Water Balloon Shutter-speed Practice".

3. Check Schoology and turn in any missing assignments from the past two weeks.